We have a variety of Events, frequent types are:
- Weekly Meetings
- Weekly Presentations
- Monthly Executive Meetings
- FishOuts
- Socials
- Conservation
- Fly Tying
All planned Events are in our Calendar with dates/times/locations/details.
1. Weekly Meetings
- WHEN: Held Tuesday mornings Coffee 9:30AM, Meeting 10:00AM (none in summer).
- WHERE: Esquimalt Anglers Clubhouse, 1101 Munro Street, Victoria.
- WHAT: Over coffee, share fishing stories, tips, and perhaps a tall tale or two, the latest information on both freshwater and saltwater outings. Plan future Fishouts & Social Events. Minutes are posted in our Forum.
- WHO: Average 28 Members plus Guests who are welcome to stop by for a free coffee!
- MORE INFO: Details of Weekly Meetings are in our Calendar.
2. Weekly Presentations
- WHEN: Held after some Weekly Meetings from 11:00AM (shut down for summer).
- WHERE: Same as Weekly Meetings.
- WHAT: Presentations vary from fishing, to nature, conservation, history, travel . . . speakers range from guest fishing experts to University Professors.
- MORE INFO: Details of Presentations are in our Calendar.
3. Monthly Executive Meetings
- WHEN: Held after first Weekly Meeting of month in place of a Presentation (none in summer).
- WHERE: Same as Weekly Meetings.
- WHAT: Exec meets to review club plans.
- MORE INFO: Meetings details are in our Calendar.
- Fishing outings/trips can be short 1/2 day to local fishing spots or multi-day up Van Island or BC interior.
- Unscheduled/adhoc fishing trips are frequently planned between Members.
- Details of our scheduled FishOuts are in our Calendar.
4. Socials
- We average one Social Event per month, sometimes just a Social, sometimes combined with a FishOut.
- Typically potluck meal at a park location.
- Details of Social Events are in our Calendar.
5. Conservation
Frequent examples are:
- Providing people-power to Goldstream Fish Hatchery, Colquitz Creek Fish Counting Fence, etc.
- Representative attendance at local volunteer and non-volunteer meetings.
- Donated gear sales for fundraising.
- Teaching fishing.
- Details of these Events are in our Calendar.
6. Fly Tying
- A group of GRR’s fly fishers i) meetup at Member’s homes to tie flies for fresh and saltwater fishing, and to be taught by our guru’s, or ii) classes by guru’s on Zoom, or iii) Fly Swaps.
- Equipment and materials available for newbies!
- Fly Tying events are normally on Saturday morning’s, details in our Calendar.
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