User Guide: Zoom Videoconference

In Apr 2020 GRR Executive approved purchase of one year’s annual account for popular Zoom Videoconference, the following User Guide is for users of Zoom Videoconference:

What Is It

  • is a provider of simple to use multi-user, multi-platform (ie SmartPhone, Tablet, Computer) Videoconferencing software.
  • GRR uses Zoom for Meetings such as Weekly Meetings, Presentations, and Fly Tying.

How Does it Work

  • Zoom Videoconference are driven by’s server vs from a meeting Host’s device, thus ensuring most robust service.
  • A meeting is scheduled by a Host who has right’s to Mute All etc and is attended by Participants who have rights to Mute their microphone, video etc.
  • Participants do not need a account to attend a Videoconference, nor do they need a Videoconference Password (unless the Host sets one).

Zoom Software

  • The software uses your device’s front camera, microphone, and speakers.
  • If joining from a SmartPhone or Tablet you should not need to install the Zoom App software, but can do if wish to enable more features.
  • If joining from Computer/Laptop, you may be asked to install small software from Zoom first, please do so.
  • It is recommended that you test your connection before a meeting, with the meeting’s supplied Zoom link.

How Use It

  1. Just click on the meeting’s supplied link to start the Videoconference.
  2. Move mouse/touch screen to show on-screen menu at top and bottom.
  3. Top Menu
    1. Click on right Speaker/Gallery view button to toggle between the two different views.
    2. Click on right square button to display Videoconference as full screen.
  4. Bottom Menu
    1. Click on left Microphone button to enable/disable your devices microphone. Use your devices sound control to manage your speaker’s volume.
    2. Click on left Video button to toggle your camera on/off.
    3. Click on middle Share Screen button then choose a Window to display something from your device, ie photo or presentation.
    4. Click on right End Meeting to end meeting after finishes.


  • Mute your microphone when not speaking as smallest sound (ie dishwasher) transmits well and interrupts the discussion.
  • If temporarily leaving meeting, don’t just get up and leave (as rude to presenter), instead turn your camera’s video.
